- You eat more than you should eat.
Take charge of your meal. Eat based on internal cues. Learn to say no.
- You have too many excuses.
Start taking responsibility for your life!
- You run to food for comfort. Everything is a ‘treat’.
Address your emotional eating issues.
- You have false notions surrounding food and eating.
Break free of your false beliefs about food and eating.
- You are not taking the right diet.
Go for diet with best weight loss efficacy. Cut out junk, fast and highly processed food.
- You are not exercising as effectively as you think you are.
Start exercising. You need to move your body throughout the course of the day – not just during the hour or so that you are ‘officially’ exercising.
- Your metabolism is out of whack.
Eat 5-6 meals a day. Every 3 hours. Avoid starvation level. Eat natural foods.
- You have an endomorph body type.
High protein, medium to low carb. Be more active. Weight train with large muscle groups.
- You are retaining water.
Regulate cortisol. Don’t be fixated on scale. Drink water. Avoid high sodium food.
- You keep self-sabotaging yourself.
Understand your self-sabotaging triggers. Address them accordingly.
Believe you can do it
Believe you deserve to do it
Believe it is worth doing