Breast Cancer : Signs, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Stages
Breast #cancer is the most common invasive cancer in #women, and the second main cause of cancer death in women, after lung cancer. Advances in screening and #treatment have improved…
Surprising Health Benefit of Physical Relation, Sex
“Sexually active people take fewer sick days,” says Yvonne K. #Fulbright, #PhD a #sexual health expert. People who have sex have higher levels of what defends your body against germs,…
Changes in women in during the pregnancy
Morning sickness consists of #nausea and #vomiting. It is caused by #pregnancy hormones. Many #pregnant women have it to some degree in their first trimester. Despite what it #sounds, #morning…
Interesting Facts About CONDOMS
As religious #leaders and #health advocates #worldwide respond to Pope Benedict #XVI’s recent acknowledgment that #condoms reduce the spread of #HIV/ #AIDS, Planned #Parenthood, as the single largest provider of…
Why do women have periods?
A #woman’s period (#menstruation) is normal #vaginal #bleeding that is a #natural part of a #healthy woman’s #monthly #cycle. Every month, in the years between puberty (typically age 11 to…
Fun facts about vibrators that will have buzzing
An industry insider told xreporters this was due to numerous factors, such as falling prices, a boom in discreet online commerce and the fact that “younger generations are dealing with…
12 Weird pregnancy fact that you probably didn’t Know
Pregnancy is one of the most fascinating things I have ever experienced. There is nothing like growing a #human inside of your #own #body. Having given #birth three different times,…
Vagina fact that would make penises jealous
“Having an #orgasm with a vagina is #pretty #amazing. We’re not like #men, it’s not cum and done. Our orgasm isn’t a straight incline and then rapid decline. It’s not…
Exercise that will naturally increase breast size
Breast #size is determined by a combination of genetics, #lifestyle, and #body #weight. If you’re interested in #increasing your #bust size without #surgery, your options are limited. Be wary of…