Katy Perry one of famous pop star do unexpected event during the American Idol talent show. The Katy Perry pop star decided to personally intervene when a 19-year- old participant acknowledged never having kissed a girl. During an audition for the American Idol talent show a 19 year old received something unexpected: a kiss from the singer and judge of the show, Katy Perry. Just two days after the fact was published on the official YouTube channel of the famous television program, the video already has more than 792 thousand views and has more than 5 thousand likes.
The lucky one, and now envied contestant, went on stage, greeted the jury and introduced himself as Benjamin Glaze, a cashier at an electronics store.
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The pop star Katy Perry upon hearing that, asked him to come over and give her a kiss on the cheek and after suggesting that she improve her way of kissing, the singer turned her face unexpectedly and kissed him on the mouth. After hearing that young boy get surprised and faced with this situation, the boy reacted by falling to the floor of the impression and then laughing nervously. Unfortunately when it came time to sing, Glaze failed to impress the jury and could not qualify for the next round of the contest.
After the pre-recorded audition was aired on Sunday, Perry was the subject of criticism in social networks, where users pointed out that the kiss was inappropriate, especially in the context of the #Me Too movement. Some people wondered what the reaction would have been if the genres of the contestant and the judge had been reversed.
This Katy Perry pop star kiss surprised her fan and they never expect that event during the American Idol talent show.