CHENNAI: Two individuals have died as Cyclone Vardah hit the Tamil Nadu drift on Monday evening making landfall at Pulicat, around 60 km from capital Chennai. The cyclonic tempest will take around four hours to cross land totally. The Cyclone wind carried with it overwhelming heavy rain and strong winds that have lashed the drift in Tamil Nadu and neighbor Andhra Pradesh and the Army, Navy and Air Force are on remain by. More than 16,000 individuals have been cleared. Flight operations have been suspended at the Chennai air terminal till 8 pm. Cyclone Vardah has hit arrive with twist paces of somewhere around 120 and 130 kmph.

1. The Met office said substantial rain will proceed till around 3 pm, after which there will be a brief break. At around 5 pm overwhelming precipitation will continue once more, it said.

2. More than 7,000 individuals have been emptied from close to the ocean in Tamil Nadu and more than 9,000 in Andhra Pradesh. The Navy said it has two boats prepared with doctors, food and water for 5,000 people. 30 jumping teams with additional alleviation material are likewise on the prepared.

3. The Air Force Base at Tambaram close Chennai said it is set up for “any possibility. 15 groups of the National Disaster Relief Force or NDRF have been sent along the drift. The Army has seven segments prepared for safeguard operations if necessary.

4. Right around 50 flights were delayed or occupied to and from Chennai toward the beginning of today and rural prepare administrations have been suspended.

5. All schools and universities are shut today in Chennai, Kancheepuram and Tiruvallur, other than waterfront zones of Villupuram. The Tamil Nadu Government has likewise requested that private workplaces permit their staff to take a day away from work or work from home.

6. The heavy rain and solid winds that are lashing Chennai have removed and bowed trees. Control supply was suspended in many parts of the state as a safeguard.

7. The Met division said the ocean will be harsh along and off the Andhra Pradesh and north Tamil Nadu coasts for 48 hours and anglers have been requested that abstain from going out to ocean in this period.

8. The National Disaster Management Authority advised people “to stay in safe places and coordinate with state government authorities and fiasco administration of fices”. Senior authorities have been sent to the areas that are probably going to be on the way of the cyclone.

9. 174 alleviation focuses are prepared to get cleared individuals in Chennai. The tempest is required to harm covered cabins, power and correspondence lines.

10. Paddy crops and orchards may also be affected in Chennai,, Thiruvallur and Kanchipuram areas of Tamil Nadu; Ongole and Nellore regions of Andhra Pradesh and Puducherry, the Met division said in its consultative.

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