Supreme Court agreed to hear the petition to reverse the judgment on Section 377 (Gay Sex is Criminal Offence)

The Supreme Court approved on Tuesday to listen the appeal presented by a Non-government Organization (NGO) seeking to reverse the court’s decision on Section 377, that makes gay sex an illegal offence. The top court referred the case to a five-judge constitution bench and allowed that restorative appeals for de-criminalising gayness would be listed at an early date.

Kapil Sibal, told the court while arguing against Section 377 that, the banning gay sex will be something to insult and humiliation future generations. Christian church body and Muslim Personal Law Board were opposing the petitions against Section 377.

The petition was heard by the bench of three most senior judges – jurist T.S. Thakur, Justice Anil R. Dave and Justice Jagdish Singh Khehar. The bench told that, “The bigger bench would be established in the future to hear the appeal.”

The bench was told there are eight curative petitions who are seeking re-examination of the order on the review petition and therefore the December 11, 2013 decision, by that the Delhi High Court verdict de-criminalising section 377 (unnatural sexual offences) of the IPC was put a aside.

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