Head and #neck cancers include cancers of the mouth and the #throat, as well as some rarer #cancers. These include cancer of the #sinuses (air spaces in the #bones of the face), the salivary glands, or the nose or middle ear.
Mouth cancer can develop on the #lip, the front two-thirds of the tongue, or anywhere inside the #mouth. The most common places are the side of the #tongue or #floor of the #mouth.
Throat #cancer can develop in different areas. The term throat cancer covers the area called the pharynx and the #larynx (voicebox). The pharynx is divided into three main parts; the #nasopharynx, the #oropharynx and the #hypopharynx. The #larynx is in front of the #hypopharynx.
Cancers of the thyroid, #oesophagus (gullet) or wind #pipe (trachea), near to the throat, are treated differently.
Most head and neck cancers start in the cells that line the mouth, nose and throat. These are called squamous cell cancers. A small number of head and #neck #cancers develop from other types of cells.
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