We all know that Justin Timberlake is an essential pop star until today! Previously, when he was dating the famous pop star Britney Spheres they both were not well-established and world famous pop singers. Eventually, both of them discover their talent and established themselves as top-rated pop stars.

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Recently, Justin Timberlake has launched his fifth album named “Man of the Woods” and surely this week has been a triumphant one for him. Why? His new albums were highly criticized. Timberlake has dedicated this album to his fans for making an amazing return to the pop music! His Tennessee roots just came out on the previous Friday and in that video, he has played the Super Bowl. You can watch the video and get amazed!

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But both the newly launched recorded album and his Super Bowl performance have been savaged by the critics. According to the critics, his “Man of the Woods” album is one type of noncommittal shrug of a music album. They have criticized the lyrics as well! The critics think that his magic didn’t work out this time through his Super Bowl performance. It seemed like that he is invisible within a bunch of extremely talented dancers. Overall, he has completely failed to connect with the audience through his music. At the end of watching the video and listening to the album, you won’t be satisfied. That might be the real reason for all the backlashes that he is now facing!

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