India’s Prime Minister Narender Modi on Monday gifted a specially commissioned reproduction of a rare seventh-century manuscript of the Holy Quran attributed to Hazrat Ali, the fourth caliph, to the Iranian President Dr. Hassan Rouhani.

“Written in Kufic script, this manuscript is a prized possession of the ministry of culture’s Rampur Raza Library,” a statement on Modi’s personal website said

Modi also gifted Iranian President Hassan Rouhan a specially commissioned reproductions of Mirza Asadullah Khan Ghalib’s collection of Persian poetry, Kulliyat-e-Farsi-e-Ghalib and Sumair Chand’s Persian translation of Ramayana.First published in 1863, Kulliyat-e-Farsi-e-Ghalib is a collection of over 11,000 verses by Ghalib.
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The reproduction is from a rare copy of the book’s 1867 edition to which some missing pages have been added. They have been added from a copy of the 1872 edition from Maulana Azad’s personal collection preserved in the library of ICCR in Delhi.Translated into Persian in 1715 and copied in 1826, Sumair Chand’s Ramayana is a rare manuscript at the Rampur Raza Library.

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