The five-time Grand Slam champion and Russian beauty Maria Sharapova had failed in a drug test of Australian Open. Tennis stars revealed the truth herself by organizing press conference.

हिन्दी में पढ़ें – मारिया शारापोवा डोपिंग में फसीं

She was using the drug named “Maldoniam”, which is restricted for players. Because the side- effects of this drug increases the player’s performance potential. The drug “Maldoniam” is given by doctors to heart disease and diabetes patients to cure them.

Sharapova has been suspended with immediate effect. Because of the drug within a month so far seven athletes have suspended.

Maria could not pass the drug tests of Australian Open, so that sports giant Nike has suspended his contracts with Maria Sharapova.
Maria told in her news conference on Monday that she had been using the drug from last 10 years for some health reasons. WADA the World Anti-Doping Agency – was banned the drug on January 1

Maria said that she ignored the fact that the drug is banned by WADA. The International Tennis Federation ( ITF ) said on its website on Monday that Maria Sharapova is temporarily banned and it will apply from 12 March. Usually ITF puts two year ban on players if they fail in a drug test.
ITF further said that in January after losing from Serena Williams in quarter-final of the Australian Open, Maria Sharapova failed drug tests at same time but anti-doping rule violation charged were putted on the 2nd March

After failing drug test Sharapova may lose her ranking in Rio Olympics and the winning amount $298,000 of the Australian Open held in January.

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