Republican candidate Donald Trump won the primary in New Hampshire while Hillary Clinton defeated by Bernie Sanders on the Democratic side, indicating large public support for the unconventional politics that they both represent. New Hampshire is nearly totally white, however with voters of their respective parties finding them both more eligible for US presidential election than the rest in several national polls, a Trump Vs Sanders face-off in November is no longer improbable.

Mr. Sanders’s victory speech certainly aimed more at the general election than the boisterous crowd that spilled out into the snowy night. He congratulated Ms. Clinton for the strong campaign she ran and did not personally attack her. instead, Mr. Sanders focused on the need for uniting the “progressives and the Democrats,” before November to ensure that the “Republican right” does no longer occupy the White residence. Asking his supporters to make a contribution to his election campaign, Mr. Sanders said his growing recognition become a message that “the government of our great nation belongs to all of the human beings, and not only a handful of wealthy campaign contributors.”

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