The dramatic case of the Sunanda Pushkar’s death, wife of a politician Shashi Tharoor, stretch to a new stage. Head of AIIMS Forensic Science department, Sudhir Gupta said that the FBI report also said the death was due to poisoning.

The FBI recommending the AIIMS report of poisoning can be the cause, they also said that a “dangerous chemical” was there in her body which may have killed her.

Gupta said that FBI has not completely ruled out the existence of radioactive materials in viscera samples. He also said that as per FBI analysis of different body parts has recognised the cause of death saying that “the same poison is present in all the viscera”.

On the basis of same analysis report by FBI and AIIMS, Delhi Police commissioner BS Bassi said that the Sunanda’s death was not natural but ruled out the existence of radioactive substance in her viscera.

FBI sent their report to Delhi Police two months ago. As per the report the radiation intensities in Sunanda’s viscera samples were “within the normal safety norms”.

Bassi said on one thing I am clear that the death was not natural and there was no radioactive material, still as we do not understand report well and could not say exactly about the cause of death based on the report, so we had given the report to medical board to examine the contents of report to confirm the cause.

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