Be A XReporter

You have News! Share It With Us & Become A Responsible Citizen and Reporter!!

See something wrong happening around you!

Want to report it But don’t want to disclose your identity!

Not sure what to do???

Worry not! XReporters come to your rescue.

Evoke the reporter in you without any fear of disclosed Identity.

Share the miss happenings around you by any means which you feel comfortable with- make audio, video, text or just give a missed call and rest assured we will make it a point to bring it to public notice.

Share news by:-
WhatsApp – 9136726676
SMS – 9136726676
Give Miss Call – 9136726676 (We will Call You Back)
Email Us –
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Make the change happen!
Be the reporter you wanted others to be.
Let’s make our country a better place.
Be XReporter!!!

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