Disha Patani kicked off the week with a striking fashion statement that seamlessly combined daring and elegance. In her latest Instagram story, the actress showcased a black lace bralette paired with a sharp tailored blazer and trousers, exuding sophistication and boldness in equal measure.

What truly sets Disha’s ensemble apart is her unique ability to blend a bold piece, like the sheer lace bralette, with the structured appeal of a classic blazer. Adding a touch of contrast, the sleek white borders on her outfit elevated the look, breaking the monotony of the all-black attire. It’s the perfect fusion of refined power dressing and edgy allure—a standout look even among Disha’s consistently bold wardrobe choices.

Her signature beauty style was on full display, featuring tousled waves, soft smoky eyes, and glossy lips. This understated yet polished makeup complemented her outfit, ensuring the ensemble remained the focal point.

Occasionally, Disha opts for a more subdued version of her bold aesthetic. A black blazer set, styled with minimal jewelry, a chic low bun, and a confident demeanor, proves she can own the boardroom as effortlessly as she dominates the red carpet.

When it comes to making bold fashion statements in Bollywood, Disha Patani consistently leads the charge, and this outfit is yet another example of her fearless style.

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