What are the symptoms of Coronavirus or COVID-19 Symptoms day by day.
At first you might think it’s a cold and it could be but covid-19 could escalate.
Here’s what you need to know according to the World Health Organization China joint mission on covid-19. As of February 20th, 80% of laboratory confirmed cases were mild to moderate 14% were severe and 6% were critical just to be clear a mild case of covid-19 is not like a mild cold the symptoms will still be pretty severe.
Anything less than needing oxygen puts you in this category severe cases do need supplemental oxygen and critical ones are defined by respiratory or multi-organ failure. The symptoms treatments and timelines of having the disease vary depending on which category patients fall into so let’s break down what having covid-19 looks like day-to-day for each level of severity. It can take as few as two or as many as 14 days after being exposed to the coronavirus with the first symptom to develop.
This is when it might feel like a cold or the common flu many patients develop fevers early on the World Health Organization China joint Mission. Saw that about eighty eight percent of people who had covid-19 had a fever another study out of China showed that while only 44 percent of patients had a fever on admission to a hospital 89% eventually developed one.
But there have been some cases that led with gastrointestinal symptoms diarrhea nausea vomiting and or abdominal discomfort may appear a couple of days before respiratory symptoms. This isn’t the norm though because covid-19 is a respiratory disease that means for most patients the virus will start and end with the lungs in the early days of infection the virus invades lung cells.
Specifically this can damage the Cilia the hairlike projections that move around to keep Airways clear of mucus and debris when cells get infected. They died and Shed off adding to the debris and hindering your body’s ability to keep stuff out of the lungs and trachea. The inflammation causes damage and damage causes more inflammation and this cycle could continue until there’s no healthy tissue left and inflammation might explain why a dry cough is one of the most common symptoms same goes for shortness of breath and phlegm production other symptoms that can appear around this time our fatigue sore throat headache joint or muscle pain chills and a runny nose by day five patients with pre-existing conditions might find that they have trouble breathing.
It usually takes about seven days for person to go to a hospital. Mild cases though usually clear up by this time, but those with moderate to critical cases will developed to pneumonia which can range from non-life threatening to severe. Recovery time for these patients could be anywhere from a few days to weeks for some severe and critical cases though symptoms can escalate into acute respiratory distress syndrome.
A RDS is an illness that happens when fluid builds up in the lungs inflammation triggers a flood of immune cells that are meant to Target the infection. They’re usually isolated to infected areas, but sometimes the body goes overboard which is when the immune cells start killing anything in their path including healthy cells AR DS is often fatal in critical cases. It can lead to respiratory failure requiring Advanced life support and this is most likely when patients head to the ICU. A RDS treatment includes supplemental oxygen and mechanical ventilation. The goal is to get more oxygen into the blood stream since the lungs can’t.
When this treatment doesn’t work, the lungs are basically two flooded to get any oxygen into your bloodstream. That’s the cause of most covid-19 deaths and even when a patient survives this phase they could be left with permanent. Lung damage tsar’s punched holes in some Infected people’s lungs giving them a honeycomb effect. And these lesions have been seen in people affected by the novel coronavirus too.
Early studies found that most people who died of the disease will do so within 14 to 19 days and on average people who recover are released from the hospital after two and a half weeks. But with the most critical cases recovery could take months once a patient is in the recovery period it’s possible that they could still be contagious.
These people should work with their doctors and public health officials to determine when they’re no longer a risk.
As of now there is no vaccine for the virus. So the best way to avoid getting sick is to avoid being exposed covid-19 spreads easily from person to person through coughing and sneezing. So wash your hands often and avoid close contact with people who are sick and clean and disinfect surfaces that you use daily covid-19 should be taken seriously, but most cases are survivable.
Watch the video to understand, what is COVID19 or CORONA VIRUS and it’s SYMPTOMS, TYPES, PRECAUTIONS, SARS, INFECTION, TREATMENT.