#IVF helps a person achieve pregnancy when other #treatments do not work. Infertility is not very uncommon. What most people are not aware of is, that infertility #affects 12% #population, so don’t think that you are the only one. #IVF #pregnancies can also be uprooted. Uprooted pregnancies happen when a #fertilized #egg implants outside the uterus. #Tubal or uprooted pregnancies occur in #Fallopian #tube, although they can take place elsewhere, as well. Many people think that since IVF transfers an embryo directly in the uterus, tubal pregnancies would not have been possible, but, #uterine contractions that occur post – transfer can cause the #embryo to move elsewhere.
Very few people are aware of this fact that Acupuncture can greatly influence the success rate of IVF. Younger eggs give youthful #fertility #benefits. Many #women do not #realize that #young donor eggs place the #chances of live birth in the same group as #donors IVF chances for #success. This makes a big difference in the #potential IVF success.
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