Metal, wooden and stone – more and more fences grow over lakes and rivers, which block the crossing on the riverbank. Such actions often violate the right to public use of public waters and are punishable. A plot or house by the water is a dream of many. Many of us are owners of such real estate. But regulations guarantee everyone the right to use public waters owned by the State Treasury or local government units. Anyone who wants to can bathe in them, drink animals, walk on the shore, fish or do water sports. To make this possible, everyone should have access to water, for example from the road side.

On the one hand, property owners adjoining the waters and their right, even privacy, on the other, newcomers who want to enjoy the benefits of nature. The problem grows in spring and summer, especially in regions that are attractive in terms of tourism.

The most grudges are fishermen. – We have been struggling with this phenomenon for years, but it is a Sisyphean work. When you manage to eliminate one, a new fence grows nearby. However, the matter is not as clear-cut as it seems, and the recognition of whether the law has been broken complicates the complicated provisions. The State Treasury includes the sea and inland surface waters flowing, i.e. all rivers, streams, streams, water in canals, most lakes, some artificial lakes and ground waters. However, underground water and private water are not covered by universal use, which may include only natural or artificial stagnant waters, i.e. not directly related to any natural watercourse.  The public use also includes excluded parts of public waters covered by the decision to establish a fish breeding area or a protection zone for water intakes.  To get to the beach, you have to put a good part of the road, because none of the owners will want to let intruders through their plot. Do they have the right to do so? – The ban on the confluence of river banks and lakes cannot be equated with the obligation to provide access to water. Although they both charge the owner of the property, but result from various premises and are regulated separately in the water law.

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