President Trump gave his remarks at the Gridiron club during dinner about her wife Melania. He cracked some jokes about their relationship and generates some question to their marriage. Mr. Trump joked that they were late that night because Jared could not get through security. He added, so many people already leaving the white house. He said, he likes chaos and it’s really good. And during this time, he mentioned, who will be leave next? Melania or Steve Miller?

During this dinner, no cameras were allowed because D.C media and political insiders attending this dinner, but a guest were able to capture few images. May be Trump was poking fun at himself for laugh, but everyone not found its funny joke. Mr. Trump also creates some jokes about the media; he said they are “quality people.”

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But it’s proven already that Mr. Trump has a good sense of humor. He had created a joke regarding recent staff problems within the dinner. He also had a meeting with the kim jong-un. He also added that, another calm week within the white house and them finally running like a fine tunes machine. Media unable to disclose the pictures because it is completely banned. Some guests provide images which show now media! He made this statement for fun and laugh. But there were some people who did not love with this joke. He also poked fun for himself as well.


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