In a bid to avert a clash with Shah Rukh Khan’s ‘Raees’, director Rakesh Roshan had announced early this week that his film ‘Kaabil’, starring Hrithik Roshan, will make public on January 25, contrary to its initial 26 January release. However, it look like the big box-office clash is still on as team ‘Raees’ has also advanced their international release to January 25, as mention in their affected trailer which released online today.

When this recent advancement was brought to Rakesh Roshan’s notice, the filmmaker prefer to take the high road and say that he was happy that people were following his lead. When contacted by Newspaper, Mr. Roshan Sr. said, “I am happy that people are following my knowledge and business acumen.”

The filmmaker was request by his distributors to advance the date as a way to encash on the Republic Day (January 26) holiday. Both Roshan Sr. and director Sanjay Gupta felt that release the thriller on January 25 would be a wise idea and hence, made an announcement concerning the same.

He even went a step additional to release a set of posters in English, Tamil and Telugu bearing the new release date. All the efforts seems to avoid a clash as SRK and team have decisive to crash their party and release their film directly from the morning show on Wednesday, in contrary to Roshan’s evening premiere.

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