CHENNAI: Tamil Nadu chief minister Jayalalithaa has totally recouped and she comprehends what is happening around her, said Apollo Hospitals executive Dr. Prathap C Reddy on Friday.

Speaking to journalists on the sidelines of an occasion sorted out by the hospital here to dispatch a course book of medicine, Dr. Reddy said: “She is aware of what is going on around her. She asks and requests what she needs. We are upbeat to let you know she is well.”

Answering to a question, he said: “When to go home is currently a little thing. The choice will be made by her. The most vital part of the treatment is that it is over and very successful.”

She is under control. She controls the specialists’ doctors and nurses what she and they ought to do… You know her nature extremely well. She comprehends herself exceptionally well. She will ask us soon ‘when I am going home.’ It must be on top of her mind. It won’t be too much sooner than she sees all of you,” Dr. Reddy said.
“It’s a commitment not simply by doctors, but nurses also. It was team works. We have given her best treatment in the world,” said Dr. Reddy.
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Jayalalithaa was admitted to the hospital on September 22 with complaints of fever and dehydration. She was later put on respiratory support and treated with anti-infection agents for her disease and lung clog. She was given latent physiotherapy.

A group of the doctor from the UK and All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, joined the group of the doctor at the Apollo Hospitals to treat her.

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