Trishala daughter of Sanjay Dutt, who was exceptionally close to her mother Richa Sharma, shared a last cheering letter written by her mother years ago.

Trishala Dutt was eight at the time when Richa Sharma the mother passed away in 1996 due to brain tumour. Trishala was very close to her mother, she shared a hand written letter by her mother Richa years ago when she was dying.

Today Trishala is known as a good writer, she credits her mother for passing down all writing skills into her.

Trishala uploaded the 21-year-old letter on her Instagram and captioned it as “‘I found this note my mom wrote when she was dying…this was about 21+ years ago. Now I know where I get my writing skills from!….life is short….I miss her ❤”

Here are letter converted in to test for you to read easily “We all walk together. Each one chooses their own path. I chose mine. But I am left in a deadend street. How do I go back? Do I get another chance? Time tells all. I’ll wait even if it takes long. I know deep inside there is no way I’ll be left behind. I still have hope. My guardian angel will take me some place where my dreams will be waiting. They will welcome me in with their arms open with care.”
Trishala Dutt shared last letter of her late mother

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