Kilauea is an as of now dynamic shield spring of gushing lava in the Hawaiian Islands, and the most dynamic of the five volcanoes that together frame the island of Hawai?i. Situated along the southern shore of the island, the well of lava is somewhere around 300,000 and 600,000 years of age and developed above ocean level around 100,000 years prior.

It is the second most youthful result of the Hawaiian hotspot and the ebb and flow eruptive focus of the Hawaiian–Emperor seamount chain. Since it needs topographic noticeable quality and its exercises verifiably matched with those of Mauna Loa, Kilauea was once thought to be a satellite of its much bigger neighbor. Basically, Kilauea has an expansive, decently as of late shaped caldera at its summit and two dynamic crack zones, one amplifying 125 km (78 mi) east and the other 35 km (22 mi) west, as a dynamic shortcoming of obscure profundity moving vertically a normal of 2 to 20 mm (0.1 to 0.8 in) every year.

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