The National Science Center, Delhi is a unit of the National Council of Science Museums (NCSM), which is a self-sufficient body under the Ministry of Culture of the Government of India. It is a spearheading foundation occupied with the promotion of science among the general population of the northern piece of India all in all and among the understudies specifically. It was introduced on the ninth of January 1992 by the then Prime Minister of India . Since opening, the Center has rendered yeoman administration to the reason for science promotion.


Promotion of Science among the overall population everywhere and understudies specifically.
Endeavors to accomplish investigative education in the nation.
To instill Scientific Awareness and Scientific Temper.
To sort out different instructive projects for the advantage of understudies, instructors and society.
Supporting educational programs based instruction at school and school level by giving instructors preparing.
Urging curious personalities to instill creative thoughts.
Show and exhibition of advancement and accomplishments in different fields in science and innovation.
“Figuring out how To Do”, “Learn Through Fun” have been picked as method of learning.

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