India’s telecom regulator, Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), has at last put to rest the differential valuing discussion as it said on Monday that no organization can charge endorsers distinctive costs for accessing the various kind of content.

TRAI’s decision will hit to Airtel Zero and Facebook’s Free Basics stage.

From the last few months Facebook had gone into a power struggle with TRAI over Free Basics, and in the last few months, Facebook has been attempting to earn support for the stage by publicizing effort and a survey on its stage of inviting users to save Free Basics.

The controller, which notified the operators that they can’t go into any plan in light of unfair estimating, additionally said that operators will be fined between Rs. 50,000-50 lakh if the decision not followed.

“No service supplier should go into any course of action, assertion or contract, by whatever name called, with any person, natural or legal, that has the impact of prejudicial tariffs for information being offered or charged by the service supplier with the end goal of dodging the restriction in this regulation,” TRAI said in their statement.

As per TRAI sources, the last rules would have been declared on Monday around 4 PM at evening. Sources also revealed that the committee, which was investigating the issue, had arrived at a consistent choice to stop differential pricing citing that customers should not be compelled from getting to any sort of operator or item on the internet.

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