UPSSSC recruitment 2016 village officer 3133 Posts : Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Service selection commission (UPSSSC), Lucknow invites application for the position of 3133 Village development officer, gram vikas adhikari (VDO) under village development department, Uttar Pradesh. Apply online before 10th February 2016. Name of post:- Village development officer, gram vikas adhikari (VDO) Eligibility:- intermediate Job Location:- Uttar Pradesh Pay Scale:- Rs 5200 – 20200/- Per Month Last Date:- 10th February 2016 Total No. of Posts:- 3133 Posts Categories wise vacancies:- Un – Reserved categories candidates:- 1836 Posts Other backward class categories candidates:- 611 Posts Schedule caste categories candidates:– 612 Posts Schedule tribe categories candidates:- 74 Posts Qualification:- Candidate applying for the osition of village development officer / gram vikas adhikari (VDO) should have passed intermediate examination with science / agriculture from the board of high school and intermediate education Uttar Pradesh or an examination recognised by the government and certificate in CCC computer operation. Pay Scale:- Rs 5200 – 20200/- Per Month Age Limit:- The age of the candidate applying for the osition of village development officer / gram vikas adhikari (VDO) should not less than 18 years and should not more than 40 years. The age of the candidate should be as on 1st July 2016. Selection Procedure:- The selection of the candidates applying for the osition of village development officer / gram vikas adhikari (VDO) will be on the basis of written examination and personal interview depending on the number of applications received. How to apply:- Candidates applying for the osition of village development officer / gram vikas adhikari (VDO) may apply online thorugh official website of Uttar Pradesh public service commission from 18th January 2016 to 10th February 2016. Like on facebook to get updated towards latest job For more information visit this
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